The Similarity Report can be viewed by students if allowed by the instructor, and can be downloaded and used as part of the information gathered in any potential investigation process.

sources, scoring ranges, and different marking scenarios.

Turnitin provides a useful guide to interpreting the Similarity Report with further detail about matches vs. It is very important to understand that the Similarity Score does NOT indicate whether plagiarism has taken place. The file is matched against the information available in the Turnitin repository to produce a Similarity Score. Once a student has submitted a file to an assignment with Turnitin enabled, a Similarity Report will be generated according to the settings chosen when the assignment was set up. One of the key benefits of using Turnitin lies in its ability to determine whether work submitted by a student is original, or whether it contains matches to Turnitin’s repository of a wide range of web based materials and other student submissions. Turnitin compares student submissions to billions of pages of content located on the internet and proprietary databases as well as the work of other students whose papers have also been submitted to the system. Turnitin is an integration available in Canvas which provides staff with the ability to generate Similarity Reports.